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specialty coffee beans

How to Determine Specialty Coffee

Until it is graded, specialty coffee is simply a concept. There are numerous stages On the process that can ruin its potential to become special, therefore each stage is just as crucial
the seed is planted in as the last.
  1. Ground Level – Specialty coffee can only be grown in the most ideal conditions. If the seed is planted in the wrong spot, in the wrong soil, or even at the wrong altitude, when the coffee will lose its special certification.
  2. Ripeness – Once planted in the perfect spot, in the perfect soil, at the perfect attitude, you must then pick the bean at the perfect time. It is common among coffee growers to agree that the most critical aspect of achieving the best bean is to harvest at the optimal time.
  3. Delivery Time – Ensuring fast delivery to the mill is vital. If delivery is quick, the freshness and potential of the coffee can be preserved. If delivery takes too long, the coffee can be spoiled and all the hard work and effort in its growth will go to waste.
  4. Processing Stage – Carefully managing the coffee is important at the processing stage. Once it is washed and the skin removed, the bean must then be dried. If the bean is dried unevenly, insufficiently, too slowly, too quickly, or even gets wet again, it will reduce its chances of being special.
  5. Transformation Stage – With the transformation from green bean to final roasted coffee, success depends on the roaster. They must successfully identify the potential of the coffee and roast it to maximize flavor. Any mistake made by the individual who packaged the bean, transported it, roasted it, or ground it means the coffee is no longer special.

Specialty grade coffee represents the very best of the world’s coffee yield or 3% of global production.

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